welcome to the denimcouch

Feel free to chill right here 😎

Hi, I'm Alex 👋🏽 Nice to meet you!

I am a full stack developer located in Houston, TX. I enjoy making things that are pretty and accessible to as many folks as possible! I specialize in frontend technologies, but am always comfortable finding the right solution for any given problem.

But enough stuffy professional jobspeak, Let's talk about fun stuff!

I am a daydreamer who gets lost envisioning a better world. I am driven by curiousity and kindness. If I had nothing else to do, I would spend my day walking through the streets of Houston, bathed in heat and smiling as I get a taste of every yummy morsel of food I find.

I love people. I love food. I love games found on the tabletop and on the screen.

In another life I was a coffee roaster, and by other life I mean I used to be a coffee roaster and it was so much fun. I also love coffee. Chances are if I'm not at home, I'm at a coffee shop. Chat with me about coffee anytime honestly.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of info. Thanks for taking some time outta your day to read these words ✨
